- Ensure that the building shell is in good condition; close up any unnecessary openings
- Maintain building heat at a minimum of 40°F in all normally heated areas and any area with a wet pipe sprinkler system.
- Check coldest points of building to ensure temperature is at least 40°F (i.e., eaves, over shipping doors, spaces without direct heat).
- Consider low temperature alarms in areas where heat is suspect.
- Identify vulnerable areas, such as crawl spaces, attics, and above suspended ceilings, where water piping pass through and provide a way for heat to reach these areas.
- Place thermostats and/or low temperature alarms at strategic locations to monitor building temperature.
- Check insulation in attic areas or other areas near wet pipe sprinkler pipes.
- Maintain heat in dry pipe valve rooms, fire pump rooms and all areas protected by wet pipe sprinkler systems, at a minimum of 40°F.
- Heaters should be thermostatically controlled. Use of portable heaters is discouraged.
- It is the building owner’s responsibility to drain all low point drains weekly before & during freezing weather. Have additional drains installed if necessary.
- All low point drain, and drum drip piping “should” be extended into a heated area.
- Have air leaks repaired to keep system from tripping if compressor power is lost.
- Air supplied to the compressor should come from a dry, room-temperature source. If this is not possible, or moisture build-up is a problem, consider installing an air dryer or using nitrogen instead of air.
- Have the pitch checked on any pipes where the pipe or hangers have been hit, altered, or appear sagging.
Hydrants, Control Valves and Fire Department Connections
- Check private hydrant fittings for tightness.
- For areas prone to significant snow, identify hydrants with flags or markers located above the average snow line.
- Check around hydrants and post indicator valves for soft or wet ground. This is an indication of a leaky underground piping and should be further assessed.
- Ensure all control valves are in their normal operating position and secure from tampering.
- Check fire department connections for accessibility. Keep clear by shoveling away snow to access connections.
Antifreeze systems
- Have antifreeze solution checked for mix strength.
Gravity and Suction Tanks
- Flush heaters, water circulating equipment and piping.
- Turn on heaters and water circulating equipment and monitor equipment throughout winter months.